Hector Castañón
Consultant | Zurich, CH

Focus Area
Hector’s knowledge focuses on biomedical research, with a deep understanding of cancer and immunology. He also counts on years of experience directing, ensuring fundings, and developing international cooperation projects on-site in countries of Sub-Saharan and South Africa.
Ph.D. in Immunology and Cancer Biology from the University of Zurich
MSc in Biomedical Research from the University of Sevilla
BSc in Biotechnology from the University of Salamanca
Spanish (native), English, French, German
Complete literature list
Castañón, H. & Tallón de Lara, P., Vermeer, M., Núñez, N., Silina, K., Sobottka, B., ... & van den Broek, M. (2021).
CD39+ PD-1+ CD8+ T cells mediate metastatic dormancy in breast cancer.
Nature communications, 12(1), 1-14.
de Lara, P. T., Castañón, H., Sterpi, M., & van den Broek, M. (2022).
Antimetastatic defense by CD8+ T cells.
Trends in cancer, 8(2), 145-157.
Castañón Cuadrado, H. (2017).
Estudio de un sistema de potabilización mediante filtros de bio-arena implantado en Benín.